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Alumni meet at BiNA Osteria event

On October 25, alumni working in journalism, marketing, and media relations gathered for a networking event at BiNA osteria on Washington Street.

The evening was sponsored by the Office of Communications and Marketing in collaboration with Alumni Relations. It was co-hosted by Emerson alumni Jared Bowen, reporter for WGBH’s Greater Boston and 89.7; Sandi Goldfarb, Vice President at Rasky Baerlein Strategic Communications; and Margie Sullivan, Executive Producer at Redtree Productions and President of Emerson’s Boston Alumni Chapter. Assistant Journalism Professor and blogger Mark Leccese spoke about the state of objective journalism today and engaged the group in a general discussion about social media.

This networking group is a new initiative that the College hopes to continue two to three times a year. If you’re an alum working in journalism, marketing, or media relations and would like to be included in future events, please contact Carole McFall at or 617-824-8415.

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