Japan Trip Raises Awareness for Journalists
“As much as you listen to world news and hear what is going on, it is not until you speak with the people of other countries that you get a … Continue Reading Japan Trip Raises Awareness for Journalists
“As much as you listen to world news and hear what is going on, it is not until you speak with the people of other countries that you get a … Continue Reading Japan Trip Raises Awareness for Journalists
Journalism Professor Jerry Lanson has published his third book on the art of storytelling. Writing for Others, Writing for Ourselves: Telling Stories in an Age of Blogging was released this … Continue Reading Lanson Documents His Personal Journey as a Writer
Emerson Visual and Media Arts Associate Professor Claire Andrade-Watkins’ dipped her toes into a new art form this past year. She was commissioned by the Rhode Island Department of Transportation … Continue Reading Andrade-Watkins Installs Panel
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li… the influence of video games on society can be seen in the way entertainment companies have embraced the … Continue Reading Alumni Predict Gaming Will Only Get Bigger
More than 100 EmersonWRITES instructors, students, and their families celebrated the completion of the first EmersonWRITES program at a dinner in Emerson’s Bill Bordy Theater on December 4. “The feeling … Continue Reading EmersonWRITES Honors Its Students
Emerson undergraduates explore the creative evolution of contemporary artists in their exhibit, Next Generation 4, in Emerson’s Huret & Spector Gallery December 9 –February 12. The exhibit was curated by … Continue Reading “Next Generation 4” opens in the Huret & Spector Gallery
“I’m used to long hours, busy days, and sleep deprivation from my days at Emerson,” jokes Scott Sinclair ’10 when asked about how he’s handling the stress of the final … Continue Reading Scott Sinclair is prepared for directional debut
On December 5, President Jackie Liebergott, Trustee and Producer Vin Di Bona ’66, Executive Producer Suzanne de Passe (who has been a guest artist at Emerson), and Jenna Lyng ’10 … Continue Reading President Liebergott is honored by Caucus
Performing Arts Assistant Professor Magda Romanska recently won the 2010 Gerald Kahan Scholar’s Prize from the American Society for Theatre Research for her essay titled “Between History and Memory: Auschwitz … Continue Reading Romanska Wins Gerald Kahan Scholar Prize
Reading the spring 1996 issue of Ploughshares, Terrance Hayes was struck by Carl Phillips’s poem The Blue Castrato, except that he misread the name and thought Phillips was writing about … Continue Reading Award Winner is Ploughshares’ Guest Editor