NECHE Self Study: Update and Invitation to Participate
As we all work together to craft our ten year NECHE Self Study, this is an update of the work so far and an invitation to all who want to join
As we all work together to craft our ten year NECHE Self Study, this is an update of the work so far and an invitation to all who want to join
Let me give you a glimpse of what success in the COVID era looks like.
Alumni Michael Sagol ’96 and Daniel Sbrega ’99 are executive producers on the film.
Hot Water Over Raised Fists, uses movement, light, sculptural elements, and site-specificity to create an experience of empathy and hope.
Emerson’s Commencement Exercises for the Class of 2021 will feature two celebrations: an in-person celebration on the morning of May 2 and a virtual celebration on May 9.
Since the March 3, 2021, Update on Community Equity Action Plan, additional steps have been taken in response to the #ESOCWeekOfAction Demands.
You wouldn’t know Leo is a CG lion.
Michael Thorpe went from creating on the basketball court to inventing with a sewing machine.
A Space for Grief and Reflection, acknowledged losses and complexities of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Trustee and alum Kevin Bright ’76 co-directed the new documentary, “Never Too Late: The Doc Severinsen Story,” which debuts this Friday on PBS’s “American Masters” program.