The Brattle Theatre in Cambridge, Massachusetts is celebrating the work of Visual and Media Arts Professor John Gianvito, “one of the great local documentary filmmakers” according to the Boston Globe.
The Late Wedding is Emerson Stage’s first live performance since the pandemic began.
In Present Joys, textural fragments are juxtaposed with symbolic and abstract imagery in video, photography, and 16mm film to explore personal and historical understandings of different native homelands
Barbato has been nominated in the category every year since 2017, and has won each year since 2018.
Currier plots the musical landscape of projects through securing publishing rights, recording music, and a lot more.
In the classroom, on the Wall, on the soccer field, in the production rooms — Chvany was a huge presence at Emerson College.
Miss Elma Ina Lewis ’43 was one of Boston’s most important Black female luminaries in the arts, education, and civil rights work.
Emerson also tied for #3 in Most Innovative Schools (North) – a three-spot gain over last year.
The Emerson community will be paying tribute to those lost on September 11, 2001, part of a 20-year tradition of remembrance.
Bright’s conversation will take place Saturday, September 11, 1:00-1:50 pm.