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Welcome Back for the Spring 2025 Semester

Dear Emersonians,

Welcome back to the Spring 2025 semester. We begin this term with opportunities that inspire us and challenges that test us.

Our hearts are heavy for our colleagues, classmates, and alumni in Los Angeles who are facing the devastation of the ongoing wildfires. While our ELA facilities remain safe, many have experienced unimaginable losses. We will do everything possible to support our community during this crisis and on the long road to recovery. Please stay informed about developments at ELA and ways you can help. We are grateful to our leaders at ELA, the first responders, and everyone who works on all our campuses to help keep us safe.  

This semester, Emerson’s vision for an extraordinary future will take concrete shape with the rollout of our new Strategic Plan, guiding us toward 2030. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the planning process through working groups, focus groups, interviews, surveys, online feedback, and earlier planning efforts. Your input has shaped our bold vision for the future and our strategy to achieve it. Once the plan is approved by the Board of Trustees and communicated to our community, your collaboration will be vital in realizing our ambition to be the world’s leading college for communication and the arts.

That future depends on a strong community, and we invite you to join us for upcoming events, performances, and discussions planned and curated under the EmersonTogether initiative. It is more important than ever that we engage in deliberative dialogue, support one another within our inclusive and caring campuses, and work together to uphold our shared vision and values. Thank you for your continued support as we focus on this year’s four top priorities: enrollment, community building, strategic planning, and communication.

I look forward to seeing you on campus in Boston, Los Angeles, Kasteel Well, MCI-Norfolk, and beyond.

Have an extraordinary and safe semester! 


Jay M. Bernhardt