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Update on the Institutional Strategic Planning Process

Dear Emerson community members,

As you are hopefully aware, Emerson College began an institutional strategic planning process in earnest last month. When completed in Fall 2024, the plan will reflect the College’s unique strengths, define points of innovation and differentiation aligned with a clear mission and vision, and outline a roadmap for the College’s future.

The planning process includes myriad opportunities for you, as valued members of the Emerson community, to actively engage in this work. Your input will help define the College’s priorities for the next six years, its areas of focus for growth and resource allocation, and strategies to support innovation and inclusive excellence. One immediate way is to submit your ideas using the anonymous feedback form, and we hope you will encourage your peers and colleagues to do so as well. We sincerely want to hear from you!

So far, our consulting partner, Huron Consulting Group, has completed 30 interviews with trustees, President’s Council members, Deans, and Steering Committee members. Soon, Huron will begin meeting with a variety of focus groups that include a broad cross-section of stakeholders, including staff, students, faculty, industry partners, Emersonians from all three campuses, parents, alumni, and local leaders in our community.

As co-chairs of the Steering Committee, we provided a project update at the Faculty Assembly and Student Government Association meetings earlier this week. We welcome the opportunity to do the same at other gatherings as invited. Students will receive a short online survey next week, and faculty and staff will receive surveys later in the semester. In addition, we will plan additional forums for students, faculty, and staff to make sure their voices are heard. Finally, faculty and staff are invited to a Town Hall conversation on April 30 (Save the date!) about the priorities that are surfacing through the Strategic Planning process.

Thank you for your engagement and dedication to making Emerson the best it can be today and going forward.


Maria Koundoura, Interim Dean, School of the Arts, Assistant Provost
Jim Hoppe, Vice President and Dean, Campus Life
Co-chairs, Strategic Planning Steering Committee

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