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Emerson Holds Teach-In on Race February 7-8

Dear Emerson community,

On behalf of Emerson College, I am pleased to invite you to attend our annual Teach-In on Race on February 7 and 8, 2024. The theme of this year’s two-day hybrid event is A New “Normal” Just Won’t Do: Intersectionality in the Arts and Communication. This year, our teach-in features a keynote address from Grace Talusan, the author of  The Body Papers, which won the Restless Books Prize for New Immigrant writing, the Massachusetts Book Award for Nonfiction, and was a New York Times Editors’ Choice selection. 

Talusan was awarded fellowships from United States Artists, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Brother Thomas Fund in 2022. She has received support as a U.S. Fulbright Scholar to the Philippines and as an Artist Fellow from the Massachusetts Cultural Council. She was born in the Philippines, raised in New England, and graduated from Tufts University and the MFA Program in Writing at UC Irvine. She teaches nonfiction writing in the English Department at Brown University. You can read more about her here

The Teach-In on Race will also feature a jubilee-style session on how to discuss race and other challenging topics, hosted by the Dean’s Fellows for Racial Equity and Leadership Development; a talk with filmmaker Rahman Oladigbolu on navigating intersectional identities in storytelling; and a dialogue between faculty and students on “Considering Identity in Effective Course Cultivation.” 

A full schedule of events is available on the Teach-In web page.

The keynote address will be streamed live from the Judee at

The Teach-In was developed to advance and deepen Emerson’s unwavering commitment to equity and inclusion, with support from the President’s Office, Academic Affairs, Office of Internationalization and Equity, Social Justice Collaborative, Emerson Prison Initiative, Deans’ Fellowship for Racial Equity and Leadership Development, ProArts Consortium, and our dedicated students, faculty, and staff. 

Please make time to attend any or all of the sessions on February 7th and 8th.


Jay M. Bernhardt