Annual Teach-In on Race-February 7-8

Dear Emersonians,
Perhaps one of the most important dates on Emerson’s calendar is the upcoming 2024 Annual Teach-In on Race. The Teach-In is truly a moment where we can express and live our values, and a tremendous opportunity to learn, engage and grow. The caliber and quality of presentations are outstanding. I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to participate in one of the key signature events of the academic year.
This year’s teach-in theme is A “New Normal” Just Won’t Do: Intersectionality in the Arts and Communication. The Teach-In will be a two-day event February 7 and 8, 2024 featuring keynote guest lecturer Grace Talusan, author of The Body Papers. A key feature of this address is that it will be a live-streamed event for the entire Emerson College community with viewing parties at 9am – 12pm – 6pm in Los Angeles, Boston, and Kasteel Well.
Please save the date for the 2024 Annual Teach-In on Race. The Teach-In is an annual academic event, sponsored by Academic Affairs and the President’s Office in coordination with the Office of Internationalization and Equity, designed to engage the community in active learning about race and racism. Within this framework and addressing the goals below, each year a theme will be selected and interrogated by members of the campus community through scholarship and creative works.
Mark your calendars and please be on the lookout for the full agenda coming in the weeks ahead.
All the best as we get started with this semester,
Jim Hoppe
Vice President & Dean for Campus Life