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Please Complete the Emerson360 Community Survey

On November 1, Emerson College will launch the Emerson360 Community Survey. This survey provides students and employees with an important opportunity to share their perspectives of the Emerson experience. 

The survey is open November 1–22, 2023, and can only be accessed through the unique link you will receive via email from ModernThink. The survey takes approximately 10-20 minutes to complete, is available in English and Spanish, and accessible via screen readers. Your responses are confidential and participation is voluntary. 

Although we are in the midst of a demanding academic calendar and are also experiencing the effects of a world in turmoil and pain, the completion of this survey would greatly benefit our community. It is a clear way for community members to share what matters most about our College environment.

The College wants to know what is broken, what needs attention, and what is injurious in our community. We also want to celebrate what brings us joy and how we are living our values in ways that benefit all our community members. While some of you may have already shared similar feedback in other settings and other surveys, I want to emphasize that Emerson360 elevates your opinions and ideas for maximum attention and consideration.

Students and employees who complete Emerson360 will be entered in a drawing for one of three $1,000 Visa gift cards (taxable). Emerson360 asks questions about Emerson’s culture. The student survey also includes questions about campus resources and understanding of power-based interpersonal violence, including identity-based harm. The College has contracted with ModernThink to conduct the survey, and the compiled responses we receive from them are anonymous. We expect to share the data from Emerson360 in Spring 2024. 

Emerson360 is a critical milestone on our equity, access, and social justice path; it is part of building collective power in our community. Please know that I value, and the College values, your unique insights. I hope you will participate by taking Emerson360 and encouraging others to do so as well. 

If you have questions, or would like to share feedback on the survey, please connect with the Social Justice Collaborative at Thank you in advance for your time. 

Towards peace, community, and justice,

Shaya Gregory Poku
Vice President for Equity & Social Justice
Social Justice Collaborative