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Romanska’s TheatreTimes Launches Online Theatre Festival

Flyer reads international online theatre festival.

The International Online Theatre Festival (IOTF), now in its fourth year, is running now through April 30, featuring 39 shows from 23 countries on six continents.

The IOTF is a free and open event hosted by, an open-access global theatre and performing arts portal founded by Performing Arts Professor Magda Romanska. IOTF offers high-quality theatre performances to groups typically excluded from theatre experience, including people with disabilities, those who are immunocompromised or clinically vulnerable, people who are geographically distant from theatre centers, and those who are otherwise marginalized, culturally or economically.

This year’s festival theme, “Theatre and Its Others,” honors the “human, animal, and machine interdependencies of theatre practices and tests cultural, social, political, and economic acts of ‘Othering.’”

Among the many shows are productions of The Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood, Other People by Dorota Masłowska, and A Play for the Living in a Time of Extinction by Miranda Rose Hall. Participating theatre companies include Arlekin Players, Greenpig, La Phármaco, The Royal Court Theatre, The Workshop Theatre, Hotel Europa, ProEnglish Theatre, Theatre Barakah, Paroxa, The Center for Less Good Idea, and NTGent.

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