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Happy Trans Day of Visibility, Emerson!

The following is reposted from the Social Justice Collaborative:

Artwork by trans artist Micah Bazant. Four hands with different skin tones and jewelry holding a gathering of flowers and plants against a blue background with clouds and stars, with text "Trans love makes our gardens grow."
Artwork by trans artist Micah Bazant

Dear Emerson Community Members,

Today we honor Trans Day of Visibility, an opportunity to celebrate the beauty, talents, and contributions of trans members of our Emerson community, and the trans community worldwide.

We celebrate the trans politicians being elected to office; the trans writers publishing new books; the trans artists increasing representation in the media. We celebrate the trans activists pushing back against transphobic systems. We celebrate recent rulings and laws that increase protections of trans peoples’ civil rights.

Yet, even in the midst of our celebration of trans beauty and joy, we cannot gloss over the virulent legislative attack against trans people and the repugnant rhetoric at this year’s CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) that dehumanized trans people and threatened trans rights.  

We all deserve to be who we are, and to feel safe in our identities and our communities. For this to be true, we as an Emerson community must educate ourselves and be in solidarity with the trans community.

In joy and solidarity, 
Social Justice Collaborative (SJC)

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