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Photos: EmBrace Our HeArts Festival Spotlights Student Performance, Film, Poetry

  • People dance on a stage
  • A woman in a crab-like position on stage with people dancing behind her
  • Five people on stage with one using a microphone to speak
  • A group of performers in all black on stage
  • A person speaks through a microphone with people behind them
  • A person performs while holding a microphone
  • A person performs on stage with a microphone in hand
  • Two people dance together on stage
  • A woman performs on stage with a microphone in hand
  • A group of people dance on stage
  • A man speaks while holding a microphone on stage
  • A group of performers on stage
  • A group of performers hold hands to take a bow

Emerson students’ talent and creativity were on full display this past weekend during the three-day EmBrace Our HeArts Festival.

The School of the Arts Dean’s Fellows for Racial Equity and Leadership Development created the arts festival to celebrate diverse voices at Emerson. The festival showcased work across the Visual and Media Arts, Performing Arts, and Writing, Literature & Publishing departments. 

The first evening of the festival featured films created by students of color.

On Saturday, the Into the Spotlight variety show provided an opportunity for students to take the stage of the Cutler Majestic Theatre.

The final evening of the festival featured a book sale and open mic in partnership with Beacon Hill Books & Cafe. The open mic featured stories, poems, and more by students of color. A “book truck” provided a selection of books by authors of color for sale.

Into The Spotlight variety show photos by Bobby Wu ’24. Open mic photos by Winnie Gamble ’25.

  • A woman performs reads from a book on stage
  • A person performs poetry with a microphone on stage
  • A person smiles as they perform poetry
  • A person speaks on stage while holding a microphone
  • A person smiles while performing poetry

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