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Gellman Leads Workshop on Collaborative Research at Chilean Conference

Mneesha Gellman headshot
Mneesha Gellman

Associate Professor Mneesha Gellman gave the opening keynote address on Indigenous politics, and also presented on her use of collaborative research methodology with Indigenous communities at the Methods Summer School for academics and doctoral students in the social sciences, held January 11-13 at the Universidad de Los Lagos in Osorno, Chile.

Gellman, an associate professor of political science in the Marlboro Institute of Liberal Arts and Interdisciplinary Studies and director of the Emerson Prison Initiative, researches human rights, memory and justice issues, and education politics.

She shared an example of how she uses collaborative research “working with, and not on, Indigenous communities about access to instruction in heritage languages for Indigenous students and others in [public] schools in the United States and Mexico.”

Gellman said collaborative methodology is still fairly new among political scientists.

Read about the conference and Gellman’s presentation on the Universidad de los Lagos website (in Spanish, with English translation available), or watch a conversation with Gellman and her colleague, Dr. Jael Goldsmith, director of the Methods Summer School (below) on YouTube (in Spanish).

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