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Artists Examine Nature, Humanity in Student-Curated Exhibition

two men in white jumpsuits, trucker hats, wearing masks, sit at computer screens across table with jars filled with unidentified substance in center. on wall behind is a green tinted photograph of the jars
Marcel Marcel’s “The Mothers.” Courtesy photo

Through Friday, December 16, Emerson Contemporary highlights emerging Boston-based artists and their perspectives on nature in a show entirely curated by Emerson undergraduate students.

Through photography, sculpture, digital video, animation, and an interactive installation, Perspectives: Micro to Macro explores the relationship between humans and nature through a range of aesthetic perspectives.

The artists either focus on the microscopic, investigating the creatures that have long been neglected by humans, or pull out to the macroscopic, examining the impact of human activity on ourselves and the environment.

microscopic image, possibly of seeds, rendered in orange
Alejandro Medina’s “Seeds”. Courtesy photo

The 11 exhibitors, located via a public call for emerging artists in the Boston area, are Bridget DeFranco, Zachary Fontaine, Sarah E. Jenkins, Tristan Lajarrige, Alejandro Medina, Marcel Marcel, Sohyoung Park, Sebastian Gonzalez Quintero, Sharon Stanczak, Margaret Wiss, and Shannon Yeung.

The exhibition was curated by 15 students in Curating Contemporary Art, a Visual and Media Arts course taught by Distinguished Curator-in-Residence Leonie Bradbury. Students are responsible for all aspects of the exhibition, including design, a website, loan agreements, object checklist, educational materials, social media assets, and press materials.

This year’s curators are Zhen Chao, Madelyn Domek, Rejeila Firmin, Milani Gosman, Sakura Iida, Brody Menzies, Yang Muxi, Zoe O’Neil, Olivia Ramadas, Katelyn Reddy, Rodrigo Salazar, Katya Shakula, Stephanie Song, Sophie Su, and Chenyue Yang.

digitally distorted photo of rowers on Charles River, Cambridge in background
“River Without” by Sebastian Gonzalez Quintero. Courtesy photo

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