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Community Update on the Presidential Search

Dear members of the Emerson Community,

I am pleased to report that the search committee for our next president has made significant progress over the past months in identifying, building, and now winnowing an outstanding field of candidates.

Our initial pool consisted of a diverse and talented cohort of academic and administrative leaders, including sitting presidents, provosts and deans, along with successful executives in industries aligned with Emerson’s mission.

From that pool, we identified seven candidates for first-round interviews, which were held recently in October. That cohort consisted of two sitting presidents, three deans of colleges at large universities, a chief of staff and one provost. Last week the committee met with a group of four finalists, which included women, people of color and diversity of background and thought. Our work will continue with further in-depth discussions, reference checking, and candidate engagement with other members of our community.

At the outset, we committed to a process marked by transparency, integrity, and equity. Every member of our committee has worked hard to maintain these standards. We are confident that the diligent work of the committee on behalf of the entire Emerson community will yield an outstanding next president for our college.

As the process moves forward, I will keep you updated and informed of significant decisions and milestones.


Eric Alexander
Chair, Presidential Search Committee
and Chair, Board of Trustees

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