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2022 Fire Alarm Testing Results (Clery Act)

Dear Students, Staff, and Faculty;

During the calendar year (2022) fire drills were conducted at each of our residential facilities.  The drills were completed on March 22nd and 23rd  and November 6th, 2022. The fire drills were a collaborative effort between the Emerson College Police Department, the Office of Housing and Residence Life, and Property Management.

Each fire drill was unannounced to the general population of each residence hall.  The only people made aware of the impending fire drills were Resident Directors, Resident Assistants, and students with special needs.

All fire drills were monitored by the Emerson College Police and Resident Directors to test;

•           The students’ reaction to the fire alarm signal.

•           Their knowledge of their emergency evacuation plan. 

•           The response of all college emergency response personnel.

•           To make recommendations to determine what can be done better.

The students’ reaction to the fire alarm signal was mostly a positive experience.  The evacuations were orderly and efficient.  The students used the crosswalks (where available) and did not impede traffic.  Their knowledge of each Emergency Evacuation Plan and designated meeting areas met expectations. The response of all college emergency personnel was professional.  The average length of each drill from the beginning to the conclusion was approximately 10 minutes. 

Information regarding Emerson’s Fire Safety and Emergency Response can be found on the College’s website.

Chief Robert Smith

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