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College Names New Registrar

Headshot of Matthew Fabian
Registrar Matthew Fabian. Courtesy photo

Dear Emerson community,

I am pleased to announce that Senior Associate Registrar Matthew Fabian has been promoted to Registrar, effective April 1, 2022.

As Registrar, Matthew will manage a staff of six, and oversee all functions of the office, including maintaining the accuracy and privacy of student academic records (grades, transcripts, degree completion, and credit transfers), and directing and coordinating course registration and classroom management.

Matthew joined Emerson as an Associate Registrar in 2015, and has played a key role working with Information Technology on the College’s Banner 9 registration upgrade and FERPA Proxy Access system implementation. He chairs the Banner Support Committee, and has spearheaded several initiatives to enhance student and faculty communication.

Prior to coming to Emerson, Matthew worked at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in the Admissions and Registrar’s offices, where he helped with a schoolwide Banner implementation and worked on data analytics projects. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Interactive Media and Game Design from Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

Please join me in congratulating Matthew and welcoming him to his new role.


Anne Doyle

Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs

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