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Men’s Basketball Star Houston Named DIII All-American

Emerson College men’s basketball star Jarred Houston ’22 was named to NCAA Division III All-American third team.

The 6′ 10″ senior captain averaged 18.5 points and 14.8 rebounds while shooting 65 percent. Houston was also named the Athlete of the Year and Defensive Player of the Year for the NEWMAC conference. Houston led Emerson into the NCAA DIII tournament, which they lost in the first round.

Houston is the second Lion to earn DIII All-American honors. Emerson’s all-time leading scorer Rob Hennigan earned the distinction before going on to work in the NBA, including being the general manager of the Orlando Magic.

Houston got some online props from several folks, including Michigan women’s head coach Kim Barnes Arico (whose son Trevor Arico ’24 plays for Emerson).

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