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Campaign to Help Emerson Students ‘Shine On’

What if there were some way to help Emerson students who are facing economic hardship and score a stylish face mask at the same time?

Well aren’t you in luck?  

For five days, starting Monday, November 15, Emerson is launching the Shine On campaign to benefit current students as they and their families adjust to the “new normal” that is our world today. The #ShineOn campaign follows last year’s #ShineThrough campaign (also to raise money for financial aid, also featuring cool face masks) and 2019’s #TightKnit (student support, snazzy socks).

“We are thrilled to launch our third annual fall campaign in support of our number one funding priority, financial aid,” said Director of Annual Giving Anna Biller. “We hope this year is a little more light-hearted, while still demonstrating the powerful impact the Emerson community makes in the lives of our students by giving back.”

There isn’t much that can keep Emerson students from creating, innovating, storytelling, and speaking out, but over the past year and a half they’ve done astounding work. That’s thanks in large part to the Emerson community and its ability to keep one another safe and supported, and navigate tough times together.

Last year, the #ShineThrough campaign raised over $33,000 to support students in need from more than 500 donors, most of whom are part of the Emerson community. A donation to this year’s #ShineOn campaign will have an immediate impact on an Emerson student facing economic hardship.

Here are some of the funds that go to support students need, and what, specifically, they do:

The One Emerson Scholarship Fund aims to ensure that no student has to leave Emerson due to financial circumstances.

The Empower Fund supports students in all aspects of their Emerson career, encouraging and enabling creativity and innovation across fields and majors.

The Student Assistance Fund provides small awards to eligible students for things like books, film, course supplies, transportation, and food. It was established primarily through the support of Emerson faculty and staff.

The Parents Fund provides immediate resources in order to maintain a world-class curriculum and a robust student life.

“I continue to be inspired by the Emerson faculty, staff, alumni, parents, and friends who do what they can every day to enrich student experiences,” Biller said.

To learn more, or to make a gift, visit the Shine On giving page.

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