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COVID-19 Update: Room Visitation


We have continued to see the number of COVID positive cases on campus decline over the past week. Thank you all for your part in making this happen and working to keep our community safe. With this, effective today, Thursday, April 22, residential students will again be permitted to visit others rooms within your assigned residence hall. With the reintroduction of room-to-room visitation, you are expected to follow all protocols these last days of the Spring semester. Please keep these important items in mind should you decide to socialize in rooms other than your own: 

  • Masks must be worn at all times if not in your assigned room, or if you have others in your room. 
  • Room capacities must be adhered to: in single and double rooms, you can only have one guest over per resident of the space (i.e. one person living in a double room can only have one person visit). In suites, you can have a maximum of three guests at any given time for the entire suite. 
  • Social distancing must be maintained in rooms, keeping 6 feet between yourself and others at all times. 

Thank you for your ongoing cooperation and please let me or a member of the Housing and Residential Education team know if you have any questions.

Be well,
Erik Muurisepp
COVID-19 Lead

AVP, Campus Life

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