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COVID-19 Update: New COVID Cases

Dear members of the Emerson community:

In the last day, we have seen a rise in the number of positive cases and close contacts within our community, which you will see reflected in our dashboard this afternoon. Those cases include: four residential students and three off-campus students. Contract tracing is now taking place, and those who are affected are being notified and will be required to quarantine either at home or on campus.

Based on information we have at this time, several of these positive cases seem to be linked and resulted in transmission within a group of people.  While details are still being collected, this situation serves to remind us of the importance of distancing, masking, avoiding social gatherings, and testing, particularly as the rates of infection have increased in the City of Boston and around Massachusetts in recent days.  It is also important to remember that some new variants of COVID-19 are more transmissible and are now more widespread.

I must ask that all members of the community also remember to complete their daily symptom checker and immediately reach out to the Center for Health and Wellness or their medical provider if they believe they are experiencing ANY COVID-like symptoms.  With the change in weather and spring air causing allergies, it is important to have even minor symptoms reviewed with a medical professional before going about your day. 

The College will monitor the situation on campus closely in the coming days and will inform you immediately of any additional measures that need to be taken.

Thank you for your cooperation, 

Erik Muurisepp
COVID-19 Lead
AVP, Campus Life

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