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COVID-19 Update: Vaccine Expectations

To members of the Emerson community:

I am writing today to share an update about the College’s rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine over the coming months. From the start of the pandemic, it has been the College’s goal to make decisions based on maintaining the health and safety of our community, while fulfilling our promise of educational excellence. That approach also guides our decision making around the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine.

The College expects that all faculty, staff, and students who are on campus or who commute to campus will be vaccinated when they are eligible and a vaccination supply is available. The Boston campus has an agreement with Tufts Medical Center (TMC) to administer vaccines to members of our community. However, at present, we do not know when vaccines will be available at TMC. We will continue to provide updates about Emerson’s vaccination protocols and plans when more information about the vaccine supply and eligibility of our community members becomes available.

In the meantime, we invite you to visit our Vaccine FAQs on the One Emerson Knowledge Center website.


Erik Muurisepp
AVP, Campus Life

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