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Pelton: Diverse Issues in Higher Education, Deval Patrick’s Podcast “Being American”

President Pelton spoke to Diverse: Issues in Higher Education about his departure from Emerson College this coming spring after 10 years of leading the College, as he will lead The Boston Foundation. Under the leadership of President Pelton:

[The College] redeveloped the downtown corridor to create a sense of place for the city in a way that would recognize and reinforce the great diversity of this city. The other legacy is that we have transformed, with the help of Tony’s leadership, a rather sleepy college into a global powerhouse, Pelton said, referring to Dr. Anthony Pinder, the associate vice president of international and global engagement at Emerson. We are present in all but one of the continents on the globe.

On what is ahead for Pelton: “The mission of the Boston Foundation is to improve lives and strengthen communities. The triple pandemic of COVID-19, economic devastation and – as we all know – very public exposure of systemic and structural racial disparities that have long plagued our country will call on The Boston Foundation and its leadership to seize the moment and help write a new chapter for the city of Boston and its current residents.”

Read the piece.

Pelton was also a recent guest on former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick’s podcast “Being American,” in which he discussed a variety of topics, including his upbringing, career in higher education and leading Emerson, racial injustice in the U.S., and more.

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