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Pelton on Leading, Training for Move to Boston Foundation

Announced on Tuesday, President Lee Pelton will join The Boston Foundation in June as its President and CEO and depart Emerson after 10 years. During interviews with local outlets describing this transition, Pelton says he trained for this role through years leading Emerson and being a strong voice on issues of consequence.

In these interviews, Pelton references his community letter announcing his departure, reflecting on how Emerson profoundly shaped his future:

I often say to our students: “Emerson is the place where you come to be the person you were meant to be.” Happily, Emerson has been the place where I’ve become the person that I was meant to be.

Listen to the GBH Boston Public Radio segment and WBUR Radio Boston interview.

Watch the NECN interview with alum Sue O’Connell.

Read the Boston Globe article.

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