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One Emerson: Resources and Services During Final Weeks of Term


As we finish up the fall term remotely, I want to take a few moments to remind you of a variety of resources and services that are still available to you online. Most College buildings are closed, but all College offices and staff are continuing to work and are accessible via email, telephone, or Zoom. For a handy reminder of contact information, be sure to check out Emerson Everywhere. In particular, here are a few key pieces of information to be aware of:

Mental Health: Please contact the College counseling office (ECAPS) at 617-824-8595 or for information about referrals in your state. If you are staying in Massachusetts, you can call to set up a telehealth meeting. You can also access a counselor via ProtoCall, our after-hours crisis line, after business hours and on weekends and holidays by calling 617-824-8595 and pressing “1”.

Physical Health: Please contact the Center for Health & Wellness at 617-824-8666 for information on services, vaccinations, etc. If you have a health emergency, please contact a local health provider directly.

Academic Issues: If you are not able to resolve a concern directly with a faculty member, please contact the department chair for the course in question. For assistance with written assignments, contact the Lacerte Writing and Academic Resource Center (WARC) at Graduate students might also contact the Graduate Studies office for program-specific information at

General Support: You can contact staff in any of the following areas:

Accessibility Questions: You can contact the staff of Student Accessibility Services at if you have questions regarding accommodations.

Technology Questions: Submit a ticket for support at the IT Help Desk, which can be found at

Have a concern that you want to share not sure who to contact? Start with the Emerson Concern Center.

Over Winter Session and Break

If you are staying on campus for an extended period or over the Winter Session, you should have received detailed information from the Housing and Residential Education staff. Be sure to contact them ( if you did not receive that correspondence, or if you have any additional questions.

If you are living in Boston off campus, you can contact Off-Campus Student Services at for questions about Boston neighborhoods and city services.

The COVID-19 testing center at Tufts Medical Center will operate with reduced hours, and is only available to students living or working on campus. If you are in Boston, you can find testing sites around the city on the City of Boston website. Testing sites around Massachusetts can be found on the commonwealth’s website. If you are not sure where to begin looking for testing sites in other parts of the United States, you might try the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as a starting point.

The main point? Please don’t forget you have a variety of resources and staff available to assist, answer questions, and provide support. If you are not sure where to look, the Campus Life suite will be staffed every day from 8:45 am-5:00 pm until Friday, December 11. You can reach us at 617-824-8640 or After that date, we will primarily be working remotely until January. Please note that administrative offices close for winter break from Thursday, December 24 through Sunday, January 3.

We began the term in August, unsure of what might be lying ahead of us. While none of us could have predicted what the term would look like, I know for certain that the only reason this fall was successful was because of you. Lots of people worked hard to make plans and create new protocols and structures, none of which would have worked without the support and buy-in of the student body. Wherever you were this fall, you did your part to make the semester take shape, and for that I am extremely grateful.

All the best to each of you as you finish up this fall term. If you need us, you know where to find us.

Jim Hoppe
Vice President and Dean for Campus Life

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