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COVID-19 Update: Positive Tests and Exposures

Hello faculty and staff,

As we enter the final weeks of the semester, and as positive cases increase in the region, we want to remind you of what to do if you test positive outside of our testing program, or learn you were exposed to a positive case outside of Emerson.

If you test positive for COVID-19 outside of Emerson’s testing process at Tufts, or if you are exposed to someone who tests positive for COVID-19, please report it to Human Resources by submitting an HR Request and selecting “COVID-19” under “What is this request about?” on the ticket. You will hear back from HR with further guidance later that day (note: if you are on campus, you should leave campus and quarantine at home until you hear back from HR).

Thank you, 
Erik Muurisepp
COVID-19 Lead
AVP, Campus Life

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