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COVID-19 Update: As In-Person Semester Nears End, Continue Testing, Distancing


As we enter the last two full weeks of in-person classes, I want to again thank you for your cooperation and support of the COVID-19 guidelines and policies we have put in place to keep our campus safe from the virus. As “One Emerson” we continue to have a very low positivity rate within the Emerson community thanks to our collective efforts.  

However, as the number of cases continues to rise in Boston, the commonwealth, and the country, and as we enter these last weeks in person, it is important to remember the following: 

  • Students are required to adhere to the testing requirements and test once every seven days at the Tufts Medical Center Test Site (116 Harrison Avenue). 
    • If you are not able to keep your scheduled appointment time you can change your appointment by visiting  Students are expected to continue testing until they depart campus.  
  • It is important to note that in these final days of the in-person semester, should you test positive or be identified as a close contact of a positive case, you will need to isolate (10 days) or quarantine (14 days) for the recommended time as mandated by the Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC). This means that you will not be able to travel using public transport (bus, train, airplane) until your isolation or quarantine period has ended. You may be able to travel via private car during this time. The College will continue to support on-campus students in isolation and quarantine.  
  • To help prevent any interruption to your travel plans at the end of this month, and so that you can help prevent any potential spread of the virus to other communities you are traveling to, it is important to remain vigilant and: 
    • Wear a face covering at all times when you are not alone in your private space. 
    • Keep at least six feet of distance from others. 
    • Monitor your symptoms daily and if you feel ill, seek medical advice. 
    • Test weekly.
    • Practice good hand hygiene (with soap and water for at least 20 seconds). 
    • Avoid gathering with others and if you need to be in a group always have a face covering and maintain appropriate distancing.  

In preparation for our return to the Boston campus in January 2021, please keep these following items in mind: 

  • Students will be requested to self-quarantine for 14 days prior to their travel to campus. Like at the start of the Fall 2020 semester, this is to help limit the risk of exposure prior to your return to Boston. 
  • Students will be required to test immediately upon arrival to Boston, and then quarantine pending a negative result (via the tests administered at the Emerson test site).
  • Routine testing will still be required for all students, faculty, and staff participating in in-person learning in the Spring 2021 semester. 
  • Daily symptom checking will still be required and linked to your access to campus spaces.  

Thank you again for your cooperation this semester. Together, we can finish this semester strong.  

Be well, 
Erik Muurisepp
COVID-19 Lead
AVP, Campus Life

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