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COVID-19 Update: August 17

Dear Emerson Faculty and Staff,

On behalf of our COVID-19 Playbook Team, I am writing to share COVID-19 updates, and reminders, from the work the Team and many colleagues across the College have initiated since our last update.  

Testing Program 

Many have asked about the testing program for members of the Emerson College community. As a reminder, we are partnering with the Broad Institute and Tufts Medical Center to support the testing of all members of our community who are returning to campus. We have created this helpful video to explain the process and to introduce you to the space. More information about testing schedules will be available this week. 

As of this past weekend, close to 250 members of the Emerson community have been tested. We have been notified of one (1) positive result, and that individual is currently isolated, per our testing and quarantine isolation protocols. We are working on a “COVID-19 Dashboard” to share weekly, the number of tests completed, the positive test rate, and other useful information related to our COVID-19 efforts, which will be made available to all members of the community. Look for more information and details on that by the end of the week. 

COVID-19 Related Supplies for Offices

If you are returning to campus to work as part of the approved de-densification plan, and you are in need of COVID-19-related cleaning supplies or items, please complete a work-order with Campus Services. Someone from their office will then be in touch to discuss details. 

Access to Spaces On Campus

If you are working remotely, your access to campus will be restricted beginning August 24, 2020. A process for requesting access to campus on a case-by-case special exception basis for remote workers will be shared this week

Important Reminders

Face Coverings

As you have seen in the Return to Work Guide, a face covering is required anytime you are on campus. Two reusable face coverings will be supplied to every student, faculty and staff member returning to campus for work. Campus Services is coordinating the delivery of face coverings; if you have any questions please contact Donna Brescia at We ask that everyone remember this policy and have their face covering on when outside your private office. Together we can help keep the campus safe.

Searchable FAQ, and Return to Work and Return to Campus Guides

If you haven’t yet had a chance to check out the Knowledge Center or the Return to Work Guide, take a moment to review them. The FAQ has a new search feature that will make it easier for you to find the information, which will also be timestamped. You can search by topic, audience, or keyword.

Contact Us!

If your department would like more information or would like to schedule a time with any member of the Playbook Team, please let us know!  We are happy to visit a staff meeting and share the latest information and plans.  Reach out to and we will be in touch with appointment times.

ELA faculty and staff can contact Tim Chang at for questions or more information.

Thank you and I hope you are well,

Erik Muurisepp
COVID-19 Lead
AVP, Campus Life




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