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Emerson Staff Union Raising Funds for Anti-Racism Groups

The Emerson College Staff Union believes that Black Lives Matter, that racism in America is systemic to our institutions, and that police violence against Black and Brown communities must stop. We are putting our money where our mouth is, and we invite all Emerson College staff, faculty, and students will join us as we raise funds for these issues that are critical to our friends, neighbors, and fellow citizens around Boston.

You can find our anti-racism resources page here.

Between Juneteenth and Independence Day, we will be accepting donations to support disenfranchised and vulnerable populations in Boston.

Donate to Violence in Boston

Violence in Boston (VIB) materially supports victims of violence among disenfranchised populations in the city of Boston, and seeks to reduce violence by organizing social action through a vast network of volunteers and activists, and by bringing direct attention to acts of violence around the city.

The mission of Violence in Boston is to improve the quality of life and life outcomes of individuals from disenfranchised communities by reducing the prevalence of violence and the impact of associated trauma.

Website | Facebook | Twitter: @ViolenceNBoston | Insta: violenceinboston

Donate to Families for Justice as Healing

Families for Justice as Healing describe themselves as “abolitionists” seeking the end of incarceration of women and girls.

Families for Justice as Healing leads advocacy to decarcerate women and girls in Massachusetts. We organize in the most incarcerated communities in the commonwealth to transform the way we respond to harm, and develop alternatives to police, courts, and incarceration….We are leading work to shift resources away from the criminal punishment system and into Black and Brown communities so we can have housing, healthcare, education, economic development, and community-led organizations.

Website | Facebook | Twitter: @justicehealing

In solidarity,
Dennis, Elbert, Robin, Korina, and Shaylin

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