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HowlRound Livestreaming Panel: Artists in a Time of Global Pandemic

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Image by deYoung Museum and Quinn Fenlon, via HowlRound

HowlRound and a group of artists, arts administrators, and others from around the U.S. will gather online Monday, March 16, at 8:00 pm EST to discuss how COVID-19 is impacting freelance artists from all disciplines, and where artists can look for support in this complicated moment.

The conversation, livestreamed on HowlRound TV and ASL and captioned, will focus on shared resources (legal, advocacy, taking your work virtual, finding emergency funding, and financial best practices in crises) and building and grounding a national community.

Speakers and facilitators include Nicole Brewer, Anti-Racist Theatre facilitator; Viviana Vargas, Advancing Arts Forward; Vijay Mathew, HowlRound; Ann Marie Lonsdale, Network of Ensemble Theaters and GhostBoat Consulting; Claudia Alick, CALLING UP Justice; Hannah Fenlon, Network of Ensemble Theaters, formerly Theatre Communications Group; Carl Atiya Swanson, associate director, Springboard for the Arts; Carrie Cleveland, education and outreach manager, CERF+; Amy Smith, dance and theatre artist, educator, facilitator; Laurie Baskin, director of research, policy & collective action, Theatre Communications Group; Avita Delerme, Esq., senior counsel, Legal Affairs at The Public Theater; Ouida Maedel, musical theater/theater specialist, National Endowment for the Arts; Mark Rossier, director of NYFA grants, New York Foundation for the Arts; Brian Eugenio Herrera, associate professor of theater, Lewis Center for the Arts at Princeton University; and more.

To join the conversation or submit questions, visit HowlRound.

HowlRound TV is a global, commons-based, peer-produced, open-access livestreaming and video archive project stewarded by HowlRound, housed in Emerson College’s Office of the Arts. It’s mission is to break geographic isolation, promote resource sharing, and develop knowledge commons collectively.

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