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March 12 Update: Emerson’s COVID-19 Response

Dear Students, Faculty, Staff, and Families,

First, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude for the extraordinary patience, adaptability, and strength that each of you has mustered during this exceptionally trying time. The empathy and compassion that so many of you have shown your friends, colleagues, and loved ones over the past few days fills me with great pride and confidence that we will emerge from this global challenge as an even stronger Emerson. 

Since we announced the decision to move all Boston classes online beginning March 23, I and members of the COVID-19 response team have received many questions from the community about what to expect in the days and weeks ahead. To that end, we have compiled answers to your most frequently asked questions, which we have updated on the COVID-19 Information web page. We will continue to update the FAQ as new information becomes available. 

Please know that the College’s senior leaders and the emergency management team continue to track and evaluate the ever-evolving information on this new virus so that we can make these decisions, however difficult, in the best interest of the health and well-being of our community. 

With continued gratitude,
Lee Pelton

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