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Emerson Los Angeles COVID-19 Update

Dear Emerson LA community,

As you may have seen, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and Governor Newsom announced a state of emergency in response to COVID-19 (coronavirus). These declarations were made for the purpose of making additional resources available to state and local agencies, allowing assistance from out of state, and to protect against price gouging in response to the evolving situation. Given this news, I present the following updates knowing the COVID-19 infection may cause anxiety amongst our ELA community:

Most importantly, there are no cases of COVID-19 at ELA at this time.

The College is exploring the use of remote teaching and learning tools, if a decision is made to move all courses online. 

There are no current plans to cut short the ELA program.  The College is in regular contact with public health officials and closely monitoring the issue. If plans change, we will let you know as soon as possible.

Lastly, the best steps you can take to prevent the spread of COVID-19 include washing your hands frequently (at least 20 seconds with soap), containing coughs into a tissue or sleeve, and staying home if you are sick, especially if you have a respiratory illness and fever. If you develop flu-like symptoms — fever, cough, and difficulty breathing — and are concerned that you may have been exposed to COVID-19, please seek medical attention. It is important to call the medical facility prior to seeking medical attention so the provider can plan for your arrival. Students should visit one of the urgent care clinics listed here and faculty and staff should call their health care providers.

I know this virus causes all of us to be concerned, and please know that the health and safety of our ELA community is our top priority. I thank you for taking care of yourselves and each other.

Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Coronavirus update page

California Department of Public Health Coronavirus update page

Center for Disease Control and Prevention Coronavirus update page

Best Regards,
Timothy P. Chang
Associate Dean of Students and Chief Operations Officer 
Emerson Los Angeles

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