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Photos: Emerson Comes Together to Combat Hate with Creativity

Emersonians came together in the Lion’s Den on Wednesday to create art that will be publicly displayed to express their feelings about the recent incidents of hate graffiti on campus.

President Lee Pelton said the gathering was the first in a series of events that will support all members of Emerson’s community.

“I want to thank all of your for bringing your much needed voices today, your much needed perspectives and creativity to support and strengthen our community, and reinforced by your presence here, our commitment to diversity and to social justice and equity,” said Pelton.

Lee Pelton talks at a lectern to a seated audience with Creative Expression Against Hate projected on a screen behind him.
President Pelton addresses the audience in the Lion’s Den before participants made posters, painted pictures and more. Photo by Mingrui Dai

Participants were encouraged to use paint, markers, watercolors, and more to write a message, or create a statement. Participants were also asked several specific questions for what they’d like to see:

  • Do you have ideas for programs?
  • Do you have questions about policies or practices you would like to see clarified?
  • What events or discussions would you be interested in and taking part in?
  • Do you have a suggestion for how you’d like to see the College respond?

And before exercising their creativity, VP for Equity and Social Justice Sylvia Spears addressed the audience.

“I think about where we stand as a community. We can be shaped by fear. We can be shaped by oppression. We can be shaped by something someone else imagined, or we can be shaped by something larger, something greater, something better. In this moment, we can be shaped by our fight against hate, or we can call into being the kind of future that doesn’t fight against, but instead compels us forward closer to being in true community with one another,” said Spears.

Photo gallery by Samson Pojdl

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