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Gellman Details Recent Immigration Agreements for The Conversation

Associate Professor of Political Science and Emerson Prison Initiative Director Mneesha Gellman wrote a piece for The Conversation regarding the recent agreements between the U.S. and El Salvador regarding asylum seekers, but notes that not only is it unclear, but like similar agreements with Guatemala and Honduras, they have not yet gone into effect. Gellman also describes the past and current climate in El Salvador, which is one marred by violence.

The suggestion that El Salvador can protect asylum seekers – people who say they were persecuted in their home countries for their race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion – is misleading. El Salvador may be relatively comfortable for wealthy Salvadorans, who frequently live in secured compounds, replete with razor wire fences and armed guards. But it is a very dangerous country for refugees of violence.

Read more of Gellman’s insights in The Conversation.

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