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Slideshow & Video: Alumni Weekend Memories

Hey, Emerson Alumni! Looking to relive Alumni Weekend? Sad you couldn’t make it?

Either way, we have you covered.

(And while you’re here, be sure check out our story on EBONI’s 50th anniversary and this year’s Alumni Achievement Award winners.)

  • ladies dancing
  • dancefloor
  • large group of friends
  • woman dances with arms above head
  • woman dances with wine glass
  • man in hat giving thumbs up
  • four holding signs in photo booth
  • group of friends mug for camera
  • fraternity holds banner
  • looking at yearbook at EBONI reunion
  • young women pose at EBONI reunion
  • lined up in front of EBONI reunion sign
  • five young women at EBONI reunion
  • EBONI logo cake
  • Alumni Association president Carla Lewis at podium
  • Three alumni achievement recipients with President Pelton
  • Alexander Freeman '14 and AVP of Alumni Engagement Leigh Gaspar laugh
  • presenting giant class gift check

Check out a recap of the weekend!

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