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Recent Events

Dear members of the Emerson community,

This morning, an unknown person or persons, wrote on street level advertising posters and the walls of the Little Building the names of Emerson College students whom they believe have violated the College’s Sexual Misconduct Policy. The College has removed all of these writings. Any similar writings posted on College property will be removed when the College becomes aware of them.

We encourage members of our community to report incidents of sexual misconduct through the following resources: 1) by initiating a report with the College’s Title IX Coordinator; or 2) by seeking support from the College’s Healing & Advocacy Collective. While the College does not disclose reports of student sexual misconduct, we take appropriate action on each and every single report.

Some students feel that the College has not adequately addressed some incidents of sexual misconduct. The College does not tolerate sexual misconduct. A culture of sexual misconduct undermines the capacity for students to thrive in a learning community. Some incidents are reported to the College, and others are not. The College acts decisively on all reported incidents of sexual misconduct.  Yet, the College understands that some members of the community feel that there are barriers to reporting incidents of sexual misconduct.

Emerson values an inclusive, diverse, and respectful learning, living, and working environment, and we work to ensure that no person in the Emerson community is denied this opportunity because of discrimination or harassment based on sex or gender, including gender identity and gender expression. We believe that equal access and full participation as a member of the Emerson community is critical to individual success and to Emerson’s vision as an intellectual and creative community in which teaching, learning, scholarship and creative work are accomplished at the highest levels and in a way that manifest our values.

Our cherished and long held College value of basic fairness is undermined when members of our community accuse other members of violating the College’s code of conduct without the benefit of all the facts.

The College encourages any students who have concerns or have been impacted by these events to contact the Office of the Campus Life, the Healing and Advocacy CollectiveEmerson Counseling and Psychological Services (ECAPS), or the Office of the Chaplain.


Lee Pelton

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