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Applications for Fall 2019 Presidential Leave Available

Dear Colleagues,

A resource available primarily for term faculty that you may want to consider for fall 2019 is a Presidential Leave.  A special leave allows a faculty member to accept an exigent and extraordinary opportunity for advancement and achievement.  A special leave may be paid or unpaid and is granted at the discretion of the president.  Up to two paid leaves are given per academic year.

A faculty member may request a Special Leave for up to one year on a paid or unpaid basis, and leave requests for the next semester are made no later than the first month of the preceding semester; so a request for leave in Fall 2019 must be made no later than January 31, 2019.

Leave requests need to demonstrate how a particular project will be advanced or completed, or how an honorific appointment can enhance a scholarly or creative trajectory and/or provide visibility for the College. Ordinarily, a special leave will not affect the tenure or sabbatical clock for tenure line faculty.  The provost and the School/Institute deans will review special leave requests by faculty and send their recommendation to the president.  Faculty members should provide an executive summary detailing the request along with supporting documents such as contracts, invitations, award letters, or deal memos. This application should be sent to the School/Institute dean with a copy to the president.

A faculty member who takes a paid special leave must agree in writing to return to service at the College for at least one full academic year, beginning with the start of the next academic year immediately following the leave. Ordinarily, if the leave is one semester in length, the faculty member agrees to teach a three-course load or the equivalent during the alternate semester.  In the rare event of a year-long leave, the faculty member teaches a three-course load the first semester upon return.

Note: Applications are open for Presidential Leave in Fall 2019 (see Process for Special Leaves  – Presidential Leaves at ).

Best regards,

Carol M. Parker
Assistant Vice President, Faculty Affairs

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