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Emerson surpasses fundraising goals for “Day of Giving”


Setting a new online participation record for Emerson, 307 members of Emerson’s global community came together on April 26 to say “Happy #EmersonDay” in a big way: by raising more than $50,000 in support of the College and its students.

The 2016 Day of Giving was a 24-hour, online fundraising event launched to unite alumni, faculty, staff, students, parents, and friends in giving back to Emerson, while also helping to increase the College’s presence on social media.

Donors generated a strong buzz on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and encouraged others to participate with posts and tweets tagged with the hashtag, #EmersonDay.  Gifts poured in every hour on the hour to exceed the goal of 300 donors in 24 hours. 

“I am very pleased by the generosity of spirit which shone so brightly on April 26,” said College President Lee Pelton. “On behalf of our all of our students, staff, and faculty, I thank all of you who gave your time, talent, and treasure to the Day of Giving.”

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