Internationalizing the Curriculum
The first Curriculum Internationalization Studio cohort is joined by Chief Academic Officer Michaele Whelan, Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs for Internationalization and Global Engagement Anthony Pinder, and other campus internationalization leaders.
Emerson College’s inaugural Curriculum Internationalization Studio has had a very good year – so good that the Studio will be repeated this year, with the application cycle opening in mid-November.
Supported by the President’s Fund for Curricular Innovation, which provided stipends for individual team members and funding for program activities, the Studio supported seven teams in developing courses and other resources to internationalize Emerson’s curriculum.
Anthony Pinder, assistant vice president for Internationalization and Global Engagement, discussed plans for the Studio with President Pelton, who said, “Our students—and all of us—need to know about world cultures, and need to develop the skills to work and live productively with people from around the globe. The talented faculty participating in the Curriculum Internationalization Studio will strengthen our collective capacity to educate students in ways that achieve these goals. I am eager to see the courses and materials that they develop.”
Faculty interested in applying are invited to attend an information session on Thursday November 17, from 4-6 pm in the Beard Room.
The inaugural Studio kicked off last May, with a welcome lunch at which teams presented their initial vision for their projects. A two-day workshop in June brought teams together with external consultants, the Office of Internationalization & Global Engagement, and each other to discuss strategies of integrated course design as they collaborated on development of their courses and projects, the majority of which will be piloted this academic year and next.
With 18 faculty members involved, the first cohort of Curriculum Internationalization Studio fellows will contribute significantly to internationalizing the College curriculum. Emerson College is committed to this goal as part of its comprehensive plan for internationalization and global engagement.
Faculty teams admitted to the Curriculum Internationalization Studio in its first year are:
Hyperlocal-International: Journalism Course
- Catherine D’Ignazio, Journalism
- Janet Kolodzy, Journalism
Global Strategic Communication
- Roxana Maiorescu, Marketing Communication
- Mary Eberhardinger, Communication Studies
- Cathy Waters, Marketing Communication
Enhancing Africana Studies
- Cara Moyer-Duncan, Institute for Liberal Arts & Interdisciplinary Studies
- Nigel Gibson, Institute for Liberal Arts & Interdisciplinary Studies
Global Media Course
- Vinicius Navarra, Visual and Media Arts
- Miranda Banks, Visual and Media Arts
Re-Discovering Cuba
- Cindy Rodriguez, Journalism
- Douglas Struck, Journalism
- Mneesha Gelman, Journalism (Political Science)
- Kim McLarin, Writing, Literature & Publishing
Barcelona: Art, Theater and Culture
- Maureen Shea, Performing Arts
- Mirta Tocci, Institute for Liberal Arts & Interdisciplinary Studies
London: The City from Antiquity to Today
- Leslie Cormier, Visual & Media Arts
- Catherine Flanagan, Communication Studies
- Tom Kingdon, Visual and Media Arts
Membership on some teams has changed since awards were announced last spring, and most projects are moving forward.