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1st Spirit of Emerson Awards presented

The 2014 Spirit of Emerson Awards were given to two groups who exemplified the College spirit at the monthly Faculty Assembly at the Bordy Theater on April 22.

Formed earlier this academic year, the Spirit of Emerson Committee promotes students who embody the Spirit of Emerson, that which increases the radiance, reputation, pro-social organizations, and/or creative, positive expression of Emerson College.

The first award went to Abby Travis, MFA ’13, for her work as a teacher in the First-Year Writing Program, and with emersonWRITES, a free, creative writing outreach program for Boston public high school students.

Abby Travis and Tom Cooper

2014 Spirit of Emerson Award winner Abby Travis, MFA ’13, with Professor Tom Cooper, ex-officio member of the Spirit of Emerson Committee. (Photo by Dan O’Brien)

“Abby’s students and colleagues have consistently commended her on the above-and-beyond energy she gives,” said President Lee Pelton before giving Travis her award. “[She is] always striving for inclusion and empowerment of her students’ voices.”

The second award went to the group behind Proyecto Boston-Medellin, a multimedia transnational exhibition produced and hosted by students, faculty, and staff at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Medellin and Emerson College.

Powerfully conceived and deeply compelling, this exhibit focuses on the city of Medellin, showing the work of 11 Colombian artists who were born when their city was known as the most violent in the world. They emerged as young artists two decades later when Medellin was declared the world’s most innovative city.

Accepting the award were exhibit coordinators Ryan Catalani ’15; founding director Tamera Marko, a lecturer in the Writing, Literature, and Publishing Department; and Suzanne Hinton, director of Service Learning.

Lee Pelton, Tamera Marko, Suzanne Hinton, and Ryan Catalani

Emerson President Lee Pelton with 2014 Spirit of Emerson Award winners Tamera Marko, lecturer in Writing, Literature, and Publishing; Suzanne Hinton, director of Service Learning; and Ryan Catalani ’15; who were involved in the Proyecto Boston-Medellin project. (Photo by Dan O’Brien)

“Proyecto Boston-Medellin gives life and shape to Emerson’s highest priorities and we are proud to celebrate this remarkable work,” Pelton said.

Also presenting the awards with Pelton was Professor Tom Cooper of the Visual and Media Arts Department, who served as an ex officio member of the Spirit of Emerson Committee. 

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