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Dozens of staff honored by Pelton

Norman Sosin, property manager, with President Lee Pelton at the Staff Recognition Awards on Jan. 17. Sosin was recognized for his 10 years of service.

Dozens of Emerson staff members were honored by President Lee Pelton at the annual Staff Appreciation Reception at the Ritz-Carlton Boston Common on January 17.

“We want you to know that the success of Emerson College is due in no small part to your talent and toil,” Pelton said. “You play a vital role here, and I truly appreciate all that you do.”

“Let’s work together to further enhance our community and achieve even greater heights in the year to come,” Pelton added.

Thirty-one staff members received awards for five years of service; 13 were honored for 10 years of service; 11 were recognized for 15 years of service; two were honored for 20 years of service; and three were recognized for 25 years of service.

Winning the Innovation Challenge Award, for proposing the development of a direct deposit program for student refunds, was a team consisting of staff members from Student Financial Services, Undergraduate Admission, the Office of the Controller, Information Technology, and International Study and External Programs.

Carmen Cruz, a Facilities Management staff member, is recognized by President Lee Pelton for her 20 years of service.
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