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Srinivas to study globalization on religion

Headshot of Tulasi Srinivas

Tulasi Srinivas, associate professor of anthropology, with Babu Bhattar, the chief priest of the Krishna Temple in Bangalore, India, in January 2011. (Photo by Andrew Hutcheson)

Tulasi Srinivas, associate professor of communication studies, has been invited to the Kate Hamburger Kolleen Center for the Study of Religion and Society at the Universitat Ruhr-Bochum in Germany as part of an international research fellowship for the global study of religion.

From January through July 2013, Srinivas will complete the manuscript of her book, Forging Faith: Ambivalent Globalization and Innovative Religion, which examines Hindu priests and how they deal with the forces of globalization that are thrust upon them, including new technologies, new monetary instruments, and new ideologies to engage newness in many different forms and to create new ways of thinking about what constitutes a moral life.

“We have so much to learn from these priests,” Srinivas said. “I am very grateful to the Office of Academic Affairs for granting me a research leave from the College for this unique opportunity. I’d also like to thank my colleagues from across Emerson for their support.”

Upon her return, Srinivas will hold a workshop for faculty to discuss creating a globally relevant research profile for ladder faculty; and to discuss how to successfully negotiate international opportunities toward competitive research.

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