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App released for Expression magazine

Digital version of Expression timeline
The digital version of Expression holds more information than the print edition, including historical timelines and expanded biographical facts.

Emerson College has become one of the first colleges in the country to develop an app for a digital version of its alumni magazine.

The new, free app for Expression, which debuted last week, sends push notifications to subscribers that alert them to new issues. Users can then access a multimedia-enhanced, digital version of the magazine from their iPads or other tablets.

“It’s exciting to be at the forefront of something new in higher ed,” said Charles Dunham, director of creative services, who developed the app. “The app and the digital version of Expression truly provide a superior experience for our alumni readers.”

Unlike other colleges and universities that simply reproduce a page-by-page PDF version of their alumni magazines, Emerson’s digital Expression has a high level of interaction; it features audio, video, slideshows, informational timelines, and the ability to jump to a story with one touch instead of turning each page.

There is also much more information about people and programs featured in the digital Expression than there is in the print product, where there is limited space.

“That’s another benefit. There is no page limit in the digital version of Expression,” Dunham said.

Expression is distributed three times a year. The app is available at the iPad’s App Store under “Expression, Emerson College.” The digital magazine is another way to stay connected with younger alumni who often make more use of tablets and smartphones.

The creators of the digital Expression this year won two MarComm Awards for their work. Rhea Becker is editor of Expression magazine.

Lee Pelton panel in Expression
An example of what you will see in the digital Expression, in which users can click on a particular person to learn more information about him or her.
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