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Students receive grant from the Tribeca Film Institute

Elaine McMillion, MFA ’13, and Jeff Soyk, MFA ’13, have received a grant from the Tribeca Film Institute in partnership with the Ford Foundation for their project Hollow. It was one of six projects to receive a grant from the 2012 TFI New Media Fund.

The grantees, who hail from the United States and around the world, have been awarded between $50,000 and $100,000 apiece. In addition to receiving financial support, they will also participate in regular peer-to-peer meetings as well as a lab to help them develop their projects and build engagement with audiences.

The TFI New Media Fund provides funding and support to nonfiction, social-issue media projects that go beyond traditional screens—integrating film with content across media platforms, from video games and mobile apps to social networks and interactive websites.

Hollow is a hybrid community participatory project and interactive documentary that addresses the issues of rural America through the eyes of Southern West Virginians. The project combines personal documentary video portraits, user-generated content, photography, soundscapes, interactive data, and grassroots mapping on an HTML5 website designed to discuss the many stereotypes associated with the area, population loss, and potential for the future. Community members will take part in the filmmaking process by creating 20 of the 50 short documentaries, in efforts to build engagement and social trust and empower the community to work together for a better future. More information about Hollow can be found at



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