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Di Bona inducted into Rhode Island Hall of Fame

Emerson Trustee Vin Di Bona ’66 will be inducted into the Rhode Island Heritage Hall of Fame (RIHHF) later this month, according to Patrick Conley, president of the board of the Rhode Island Heritage Hall of Fame. Di Bona is a Cranston, Rhode Island, native and a four-time Emmy Award-winning producer who created the TV shows America’s Funniest Home Videos and Entertainment Tonight.

He will be joining the ranks of 660 other Rhode Island Hall of Famers, including former Senator and Governor John Chaffee, famed college football coach Joe Paterno, presidential portrait painter Gilbert Stuart, and the state’s founder Roger Williams.

“The Rhode Island Hall of Fame award is dear to my heart,” said Di Bona. “I truly love being a Rhode Islander. Sailing in the Ocean State is perhaps one of the most exhilarating experiences on Earth and I love Del’s Lemonade [a Rhode Island specialty].”

The Heritage Hall of Fame was established in 1965 to honor “any individual who has brought credit to Rhode Island, brought Rhode Island to prominence, and contributed to the history and heritage of the state.”

This year’s induction ceremony will be held Friday (June 17) at 6:00 pm at the Providence Marriott Downtown.



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