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Anya Belkina’s work featured at conference

Visual And Media Arts Assistant Professor Anya Belkina will have her work featured in the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques 2011 Art Gallery: Tracing Home, which presents exceptional digital and technologically mediated artworks that explore issues related to the concept of home in the networked age. The gallery takes place August 7-11 at the Vancouver Convention Centre.

Belkina’s featured work, called Moston, is a 12-foot-tall suspended inflatable sculpture that conjures a technology-driven combination of Moscow and Boston. It includes a three-dimensional form of mutated Russian nesting dolls and a two-dimensional surface design of printed artwork and documentary footage projection.

From more than 300 submissions, the Art Gallery jury selected 16 pieces to be featured at the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques 2011. These include 2D images, audio, video, as well as data-driven and mixed-media installations.

The Art Gallery jury includes a wide range of artists, designers, technologists, and critics hailing from academia, industry, and the independent art world. Works exhibited in the Art Gallery are published in a special issue of Leonardo, the Journal of the International Society of the Arts, Sciences and Technology.



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