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Nussbaum delivers talk on intergenerational communication

Internationally recognized health communication expert Dr. Jon Nussbaum came to campus March 28 to deliver a talk on “Intergenerational Communication and Effective Healthcare for Older Adults” as the Medical Messengers Lecturer. The talk took place at the Bordy Theater.

“It was a great discussion about the role of adult children in medical care,” said Timothy Edgar, graduate program director for the Health Communication program and associate professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders.

Nussbaum is a professor in the Department of Communication Arts and Sciences at Penn State University. He specializes in the communicative behavior of individuals across the life span, with an emphasis on older adults. He currently researches how older adults achieve a high quality of life as they manage their family, friend, and professional relationships within the healthcare system.

Nussbaum has served as president of the International Communication Association, president of the International Society of Language and Social Psychology, editor of the Journal of Communication, was appointed a Fulbright Scholar in the UK, and is a fellow of both the International Communication Association and the American Psychological Association. He also is co-editor of the forthcoming Routledge Handbook of Health Communication.

The talk was sponsored by the Emerson/Tufts Health Communication Graduate Program.  



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