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Reusable Containers: A New Trend on Campus

Each day, there are approximately 600 meals served “to go” to accommodate students’ busy schedules. To keep up with the demand, Emerson College initiated a program last fall to make reusable containers available to students for a one-time, flat fee of $5, as another option to using disposable containers, which cost 50 cents each.

Even without a lot of marketing and promotion, the new reusable container program has been a big success, with almost 30 percent of students choosing to participate. “It’s worth it, because I get take-out twice a day. And, I do like the whole ‘green’ aspect,” said Journalism major Christine Hayes ’14.

“If you’re in a rush, it’s nice to be able to grab a meal to take back to your room.”

–Jordan Frechtman ’13, a screenwriting major

Emerson is an active campus, so getting take-out meals is extremely popular among students who are working on group projects, film shoots, or just want to take their meals back to their dorm rooms to study. “It’s convenient. If you’re in a rush, it’s nice to be able to grab a meal to take back to your room,” said Jordan Frechtman ’13, a screenwriting major.

The reusable containers are available to students at the Dining Hall’s entrance. Students can drop off used containers (to be cleaned) and pick up new ones, or return the containers and get rainchecks for new containers the next time they want a meal to go.

“Meeting the needs of the students who are on the go is a priority for us, and most importantly, the food from the Dining Hall offers a terrific variety so students’ nutritional needs are met,” said Director of Business Services Andy Mahoney.

The reusable containers offer convenience and another way for the College to reduce its environmental footprint. Since September 2010, the Emerson Dining Hall has been using only disposable materials that are compostable.



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