COVID Update: Important Changes to Testing Center Hours
Tufts Medical Center has informed us that effective Monday, April 11, the hours for the testing center at 116 Harrison Ave will be changing to: Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm.
Tufts Medical Center has informed us that effective Monday, April 11, the hours for the testing center at 116 Harrison Ave will be changing to: Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm.
We are writing today to clarify how and why some COVID-19 protocols will still apply in certain circumstances to Office of the Arts events and participants.
As we have previously shared, beginning Monday, March 21, following local and state guidance, the College will shift to a mask optional policy for many indoor spaces on the Boston campus.
Please remember that the indoor mask requirement on campus remains in effect through at least next Monday, March 21
The testing center will be available for walk-in testing on Saturday, February 26, from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm if you would like to test.
The College will begin to move toward an approach in which it responds to the ebb and flow of the COVID virus as part of institutional operations.
Please adjust your testing for next week accordingly to make sure you remain in compliance.
Many innovative partnerships were formed among departments in order to create new processes on the fly.
We ask that any member of our community who will be leaving campus for the break, to secure an antigen rapid test that they must administer 24 hours prior to their arrival back to campus.
If you test positive for COVID-19, or are a close contact of someone who has tested positive, you will receive a phone call from a TalentBoost employee to gather the necessary information.