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Howse on Art Now, Moving Forward: GBH Open Studio

ArtsEmerson executive director David Howse sits down with Open Studio host and alum Jared Bowen to discuss how theatre is changing amidst COVID-19, this “year of experimentation,” and how performances may look when in-person art returns. Howse also describes current productions “Julia” and “A Brimful of Asha,” which are available virtually (check ArtsEmerson’s website for dates).

Howse’s response to Bowen’s question, when will we see what we are going through as a society reflected in the arts:

I think we will see it immediately, but it’s been happening, and people will see it anew. Artists have always been at the forefront of telling us who we are as a society. They’ve always challenged us and put stories in front of us that just reveal who we are. Now people will pay different kinds of attention to those artists who have often, particular artists of color, often females artists, artists who have disabilities, who have been marginalized in a way that their voices weren’t privileged. What we are seeing now is much more interest, a deeper curiosity about what stories need to evolve from those various communities. Hopefully more mainstage theatres, more of our colleagues, will be putting that work up front. But not only putting that work up front, but making the changes internally that reflect the urgency of now.

Watch the Open Studios episode.

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